“In the panorama of previous programmes, the Klaipėda Choir Aukuras has had a lot of experience performing jazz compositions or arrangements for choir. In continuing its artistic activities, the choir will try to maintain the time-tested and audience-tested repertoire directions,” says Tomas Ambrozaitis, the choir’s Artistic Director. He has entrusted the choir’s new programme for the whole family to the young conductor Dovilė Kirdaitė. This concert will feature jazz singer Raimonda Narsejeva, who began her friendship with jazz music in Klaipėda.
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50% off for schoolchildren, students, senior citizens and people with disabilities (appropriate cards to be shown);
50% off for children under 7 years of age (admitted only to the educational programmes);
Admission free for persons in wheelchairs (appropriate cards to be shown ) and 50% off for one accompanying person;
10% off for group bookings (20 and more tickets for one event);
100% off for schoolchildren and students of the Klaipėda art schools (appropriate ID cards to be shown), which include: Klaipėda Stasys Šimkus Conservatory, Klaipėda Juozas Karosas Music School, Klaipėda Eduardas Balsys Gymnasium of Arts, Klaipėda Jeronimas Kačinskas Music School, Klaipėda Faculty of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Klaipėda Adomas Brakas School of Art. A transaction fee of € 1.20 is applied when purchasing tickets via the BILIETAI ticketing system.
The programme initiated by Vilmantas Kaliūnas focuses on masterpieces of German classical music, alongside which Lithuanian classical works are also featured.