Festive Classical Music Festival "Salve Musica"

Dance performance

Date of the event:

2024 December 13

Start of the event:


Duration of the event:

1 h

Place of the event:

Klaipėda Concert Hall


Palle Granhøj (Denmark)

Theater Art Director

Agnija Šeiko


Granhøj Dans (Denmark), Šeiko Dance Theater, Klaipėda Concert Hall


Dovilė Binkauskaitė, Inga Kuznecova Aušra Krasauskaitė, Oksana Griaznova, Darius Berulis, Mantas Ūsas, Gintarė Marija Ūsė, Marius Pinigis, Povilas Jurgaitis

Klaipėda Cello Octet:

Gleb Pyšniak, Kornelija Kupšytė, Marius Sakavičius, guest performers


Based on Maurice Ravel's "Boléro" (arranged by James Barralet)

Ticket price:

31,40* €

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Available discounts

This dance performance is an unusual and original interpretation of one of the most famous works by French composer Maurice Ravel. The easily recognizable melody and its variations are compellingly visualized on stage by dancers and a cello octet. The choreography aims to highlight the human condition, with the music, originally deconstructed, sounding unexpectedly modern.

The ticket price includes a 1.40 EUR service fee from the Kakava.lt system. This fee is not subject to any discounts.

The event may be photographed and filmed. Photos and videos will be used on Klaipėda Concert Hall’s social media pages and other communication channels. By attending the event, you confirm that you are aware of and agree to the use of non-identifying video material for the promotion of the event. If you wish to have any photo featuring your image removed, please contact gidone.vaitkuviene@koncertusale.lt or +370 650 17 988.

  • 10% for groups (20 or more people);
  • 25% for holders of the Klaipėda Resident Card (excluding educational programs). Discount applies to one ticket. Upon arrival at the event, you must present a valid Klaipėda Resident Card and an identity document to the ticket inspector. Tickets purchased with a discount via the Kakava.lt system can only be bought the day after creating a Klaipėda Resident Card account. Discounts do not apply to educational programs and events organized by commercial entities;
  • 25% for individuals with the Klaipėda District resident card ‘Atviri horizontai’ (excluding educational programs). The discount applies to one ticket. Upon arrival at the event, the ticket controller must be presented with a valid ‘Atviri horizontai’ card and an identity document. A discounted ticket can be purchased on the Kakava.lt system only the day after the creation of the ‘Atviri horizontai’ card account. Discounts do not apply to educational programs in the repertoire or to events organized by commercial organizers;
  • 50% for students, schoolchildren, and seniors;
  • 50% for disabled persons, upon presenting proof of disability;
  • 100% for designated assistants accompanying disabled persons. A €1.40 service fee applies to the tickets. This fee is not subject to discount. Upon arrival at the event, you must present valid disability and assistant certificates to the ticket inspector. The name and surname on both the disability certificate and the assistant’s certificate must match;
  • 100% for students from Klaipėda art schools (Klaipėda Stasys Šimkus Conservatory, Klaipėda Juozas Karosas Music School, Klaipėda Eduardas Balsys Art Gymnasium, Klaipėda Jeronimas Kačinskas Music School, Klaipėda Faculty of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Klaipėda Adomas Brakas Art School, Klaipėda Vydūnas Gymnasium). Discount applies only with a valid art school certificate. A €1.40 service fee applies to the tickets. Tickets can only be purchased at the Klaipėda Concert Hall ticket office.
  • Discounts do not apply to the KAKAVA LT service fee (€1.40).
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