Trio Claviola
A diverse concert programme showcases the ensemble's artistic journey, highlighting rare and lesser-known works.
2023 June 29
The Park Stage of the Klaipėda Concert Hall
Ingrida Spalinskaitė-Kurienė (concert kanklės), Giedrė Šiaulytė-Ulfig (Celtic harp, Lithuania / Germany)
arrangements of Lithuanian and Celtic folk songs and dances, Balys Dvarionas, Indrė Stakvilė, Henry Purcell, Karl Jenkins, a. o.
Duo Unicum is an ensemble consisting of the concert kanklės and the Celtic harp. This combination is not only unique but seems to be the first of its kind in the world! These instruments have different origins, but are similar in their construction and playing technique. They were brought together by youthful friends, now professional and well-known performers Giedrė Šiaulytė-Ulfig and Ingrida Spalinskaitė-Kurienė. Both are graduates of the Klaipėda Stasys Šimkus Conservatory. The duo has already released a CD Impressio and a video. The Summer Concert Series opens with their programme, which the duo is going to perform during its concert tour in Lithuania and Germany later this year. It will feature a harmonious blend of Lithuanian and Celtic song and dance melodies, as well as works by Lithuanian and English composers.