When the festival reaches the finish line, one cannot help but celebrate by discharging musical fireworks! Where the classics end, Voiceless begins! Their concerts instantly turn into a fun party, energising you for a month, with no one sitting in their seats, but partying and enjoying the addictive music. Voiceless is an unparalleled group of professional musicians with two cellos and a set of drums! They play rock classics, modern pop arrangements and their own compositions. Can cellos be such crazy rockers? Yes! And you must hear and see it perform live!
We ask all visitors to stay at home, if you have fever (at least 37.3 C) or experienced symptoms that cannot be attributed to a pre-existing condition or injury (cough, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, shortness of breath or difficulty of breathing, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, muscle or body aches, etc.).
As organisers we have the right to ask authorized professionals to photograph or film our events. Photographs and/or video recordings may be used in our printed publications and/or on our website, in social media, in other publicity materials, or in third-party media. Please be aware of such possibility while attending our events. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed in the above manner (without the attribution of your identity), you have a right to request that your image be removed from the digital server and from any publicity material on the web by email gidone.vaitkuviene@koncertusale.lt or telephone +370 650 17988.
The programme initiated by Vilmantas Kaliūnas focuses on masterpieces of German classical music, alongside which Lithuanian classical works are also featured.